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Summary of the progress of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine

In total, about 60 settlements have been liberated since the beginning of the operation. Control has been established over almost the entire territory of the republic




As of 12:00 on March 8, the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine continues. The humanitarian corridors created by the Russian side on March 7 for the exit of the civilian population were blocked by the Ukrainian nationalist regime. A small number of people managed to escape from the combat zone. The exit was carried out in an unorganised manner, people acted at their own risk. There is information about citizens who died at the hands of nationalists.

The joint grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the LPR and the DPR continued offensive actions in the western direction. According to official data, a group of LPR troops took control of the settlements of Borsonino, Kremennaya, Peschanoye, Varvarovka, Pshenichnoye, Epifanovka, Novodruzhesk, Belogorovka. The advance was 9 kilometres.

In total, about 60 settlements have been liberated since the beginning of the operation. Control has been established over almost the entire territory of the republic. In the future, it is expected to complete the defeat of the nationalist group and the UAF in the Rubezhnoye, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Zolotoye, Popasnaya areas, as well as the destruction of disparate nationalist gangs.

The DPR People’s Militia units have established control over the Osoaviakhima quarter in Mariupol.

Over the past day, the strike aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 158 military facilities on the territory of Ukraine. High-precision long-range weapons disabled the “Ozernoye” airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force near the city of Zhytomyr. Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down two MiG-29 and one Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force in the air.

In total, 2482 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine were destroyed during the special operation. Among them: 87 control points and communication centres, 124 S-300, “Buk M-1” and “Osa” anti-aircraft missile systems, 79 radars, 866 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 91 MLRS launchers, 317 artillery pieces and mortars, 634 units of special military vehicles, 81 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Earlier it was reported that units of the Russian Armed Forces established control over the settlements of Novoukrainskoye, Staromayorskoye, Staromlynovka, Mayorovo and Removka.

From 10:00 Moscow time, Russian servicemen introduced a regime of silence and opened humanitarian corridors from six cities of Ukraine for the safe evacuation of citizens. The corridors will operate in the area of Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy, Kharkov and Mariupol.

The shelling of the territories of the DPR and LPR continues. In the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, about 40 attacks from heavy artillery and machine-gun grenade launchers were recorded.

In the region of Mariupol, the situation remains difficult. In addition to the UAF units, militants of the nationalist battalions “Azov” and “Aidar” concentrated in the city. They occupy socially significant objects and houses of local residents for the organisation of defence. Unbearable living conditions are being created for the civilian population. In the near future, it is expected to intensify efforts to liberate the city by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the DPR.

In the area of Kiev’s “Zhuliany” airport, the activity of a band of militants from the nationalist “Tornado” battalion, previously disbanded by the Ukrainian authorities for looting, was noticed. The bandits have already made a successful attack on the UAF unit in order to seize weapons and military equipment.

Countries unfriendly to Russia are delivering weapons to Ukraine. Foreign mercenaries are also arriving, including the British and from the Syrian region of Idlib. The official representative of the US Department of Defence, J. Kirby said that the weapons are delivered from 15 countries. He noted that the airlift is difficult, as Russian troops continue to control the airspace.

The third round of bilateral negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian sides on the settlement of the conflict was held on March 7, 2022. Issues related to the political, military and humanitarian fields were discussed. This time, much attention was paid to the problem of evacuation of civilians from the areas of clashes. The general assessment of the progress of the negotiations made by the head of the Russian delegation Vladimir Medinsky – expectations have not yet been met.

The Russian Ministry of Defence continues to receive information concerning the activities of a network of about 30 biological laboratories located in Ukraine. According to the head of the Radiation, Chemical, Biological Protection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the work in the laboratories was carried out by order of the US Department of Defence. The German Defence Ministry took part in some of the work. As for the particulars, it was established that on February 24, 2022, on the instructions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the irrevocable destruction of obviously excessive masses of biological materials of the highest hazard classes was carried out.


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