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Tema: Relaciones China Estados Unidos

Rising to the challenge: Navigating competition, avoiding crisis, and advancing US interest in relations with China

Our conclusion is that a concept of persistent competition leavened with calibrated cooperation holds the greatest promise of sustaining support at home and with allies and partners

  • John R Allen | 18/11/2021

John R. Allen. President of Brookings Institution

Ryan Hass. Senior Fellow

Bruce Jones. Senior Fellow

Summary: The Brookings – China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) Dialogue began in 2019 against the backdrop of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of U.S.-China diplomatic relations. By that time, it already had become clear that the previous framework for managing bilateral relations was fraying, and that a form of strategic rivalry was the new baseline reality of the relationship.

To maximize its ability to influence how China pursues its interests, the United States will need to advance a strategy that is capable of securing both long-term allied participation and sustained support from the U.S. public and key political constituencies. Our conclusion is that a concept of persistent competition leavened with calibrated cooperation holds the greatest promise of sustaining support at home and with allies and partners.

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