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Región: China

Strategic Thinking on the Theoretical System of a Holistic Approach to National Security

We have an indelible understanding of the importance of national security because our party was born at a time of national crisis as well as domestic and foreign trouble. The CPC has always attached great importance to national security.

President of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations 

Summary: This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC), a significant juncture of Chinese history. The CPC abiding goals are the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the course of the century of its existence, it has brought a permanent end to the miseries of old China, a poor and week country that suffered from domestic turmoil and foreign aggression in modern times. Instead, the CPC launched the Chinese nation’s historic and irreversible march toward development and great renewal.

We are now approaching the momentous rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and arriving at the center of the global arena. In leading the Chinese people to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the CPC has embarked on the journey toward a national security strategy with Chinese characteristics apt to China’s national conditions. The centenary of the CPC also marks the centenary of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. We have an indelible understanding of the importance of national security because our party was born at a time of national crisis as well as domestic and foreign trouble. The CPC has always attached great importance to national security.

Each generation of the CPC’s central collective leadership in different historical periods such as revolution, construction, reform and opening up has formulated national security ideas and theories to meet the development needs and the characteristics of its times. Distinct forms of such concepts and frameworks are reflected in Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important notions of the “Three Represents,” and the Scientific Outlook on Development. The national security ideas of each generation of the central collective leadership of the CPC display distinctive characteristics.


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